Persimmon, tomato
Contain more pectin, tannic acid, the
material and the acid of a chemical reaction is difficult to dissolve the gel
block, easy to form stones in the stomach.
Cold drink
Binge drinking all kinds of frozen foods
under the fasting state, will stimulate gastrointestinal contracture occurs, a
long time will lead to a variety of enzymatic reactions disorders induced
gastrointestinal diseases. Will make during the female menstrual menstrual
disorders occur.
Banana have more magnesium, fasting bananas
magnesium causes the body to a sudden increase in the destruction of the
balance of magnesium and calcium in human blood, cardiovascular inhibition
produced, is not conducive to good health.
Hawthorn, orange
Containing organic acids, acid, hawthorn
acid, citric acid, etc., fasting, make acid soared, adverse stimulation of the
gastric mucosa, stomach fullness, vomiting acidic.
Milk, soy milk
Both food contains a lot of protein, and an
empty stomach, the protein will be "forced" into heat consumed, would
not achieve nutritional tonic. The right to drink with snacks, bread and other
flour-containing food or two hours postprandial drink, or drink before bed can.
Sugar is a highly digestion and absorption
of food, fasting a lot of sugar, the body a short time can not produce enough
insulin to maintain normal blood sugar, blood glucose suddenly increased easily
lead to diseases of the eye. And sugar are acidic foods, fasting blood sugar
will damage the body's acid-base balance and the balance of various
microorganisms, bad for your health.
Fasting drinking yogurt to make yogurt's
health weakened, and two hours after a meal to drink, or drink before bed, both
nourishing care, promote digestion, but also exhaust the laxative effect.
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