

Bady,Slow weight gain after the first month .

Sometimes, babies who are thriving breastfed exclusively during the early months have a poorer weight gain after 2-4 months of exclusive breastfeeding. This may be normal, because breastfed babies do not follow the same growth curves as formula fed. It may seem that they gain weight too slow, when in fact it is the weight gain of infants fed infant formula that is too fast. Breastfeeding is the normal, natural, physiologic way of feeding infants and babies. Take the baby formula feeding as normal is irrational and leads us to make errors in advising mothers about feeding and growth of their baby.

In some cases, an illness in the baby can cause a gain of weight slower than desired. Supplementing with formula does not cure the disease and can deprive the baby of the beneficial effects of exclusive breastfeeding. You can tell when a baby is getting milk and when he is not (see below). If the baby is not getting milk, it is unlikely that this is caused by an illness in the baby but rather by a decrease in the milk of the mother. However, the most common cause of unusually slow weight gain is the decrease in milk production of the mother.

Why would decrease your milk supply it?
1.You have started taking oral contraceptives. If this happens, stop the pill. There are other methods to prevent pregnancy besides hormones.
2.You are pregnant.
3.You try to stretch out the feedings, or "train" the baby to sleep through the night. If this is the case, feed the baby when he is hungry or sucking his hand.
4.You bottles more than occasionally. Even when the milk supply is well established, the frequent bottles teach the baby a poor latch when he expects rapid flow, no matter if you only use breast milk in the bottle. With slow flow, the baby may deviate from the breast, thus reducing even more time in, and therefore the milk supply.
5.A emotional "shock" can, occasionally, decrease the milk supply .
6.Parfois disease, particularly when associated with fever can decrease milk supply. It is the same for mastitis. Fortunately, the disease in the mother does not usually decrease milk supply.
7.You do too much. You do not have to be a "super" mom. Let the housework go. Sleep when your baby sleeps. Asleep while breastfeeding.
8.Certains medications may decrease milk supply: some antihistamines (Benadryl, for example), pseudoephedrine (Sudafed).
9.You breastfeeding from one breast per feeding, to give the baby milk fat end of the feeding. Remember that if the baby does not drink, he receives no milk, and if he does not get milk, he does not receive either milk fat. "Finish" one side and if he wants more, offer the other.
10.A combination of the above situations.
11.Parfois the milk supply decreases, particularly around 3 months for no obvious reason. However, it is likely the reason you find the following paragraph.

Another reason requires a little more explanation. In the early weeks, babies tend to fall asleep at the breast when the flow slows down (which occurs more rapidly if the baby is not latched on well, since the baby depends on the reflex of the mother for milk). The baby will suck and sleep and suck, without getting large quantities of milk, but the mother may have a letdown from time to time and the baby will drink more. When the milk supply is abundant, the baby is gaining weight fine, though he may spend long periods in spite of abundant production. However, when the baby reaches the age of 6 or 8 weeks, sometimes earlier, many babies begin to move away from the breast when the flow slows down, often within minutes after the start of feeding. This is more likely in babies who received bottles early on, but it can occur even if it is not the case. The mother will then likely the baby to the other, but the baby will behave the same way. It may be that the baby is still hungry and refuses the breast to suck his hand. He will not get the milk ejection reflex from it would have stimulated remaining within. Therefore, he drinks less and the supply also decreases because he drinks less, and the flow slows even earlier in the feeding (because there is less milk) and you see what can happen. Things do not always go like this, and many babies may gain enough weight even though they spend little time in still pull off the breast and suck their hands because they want more sucking. If weight gain is good, there is no need to worry.
You can prevent this by having the best latch possible from the start. However, many mothers are being told the latch is good even if it is not. A better latch can help, sometimes even later. Using compression will often keep the baby to drink. See the Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby.

Sometimes domperidone will increase the milk significantly. However, do not use it if you are pregnant. See articles on domperidone.

How do I know the baby is drinking really in?
When the baby drinks milk (and this is not necessarily the case only because he has the breast in his mouth and is sucking movements), he opens his mouth widely, and when her mouth is opened up, he made a perceptible pause which you can also observe if you look at his chin, then he closes his mouth, sucking cycle So the pace is complete: mouth wide open - pause - close. If you want to show you, put your index or other finger in your mouth and suck as you would with a straw. As you draw, your chin drops and stays down as long as you are drawing. When you stop, your chin comes back. This pause is taking a mouthful of milk when the baby is breastfed. Longer the pause, the more the baby got. Once you know about the pause you can eliminate much of the nonsense being told breastfeeding mothers, as "Feed the baby 20 minutes each side." A baby who breastfeeds in this way (with breaks) for 20 minutes straight might not suck the second side. A baby who "nibbles" (do not drink) for 20 hours will come off the breast hungry.

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