
What can you gain Weight?

Weight loss, just a personal situation in a certain period of time, as long as attention to diet and exercise, there will always be suitable for your fertility method, not too concerned about the strong body is the most important.

A person should have three good!

Eat well, healthy basis.Rest, and further prepare for a healthy body.A good walk, stature can affect the normal form of human.


Do not place undue reliance on drugs, it can only complement your body change, whether you want to lose weight or gain weight, it is important, exercise and reasonable diet is the best way to contain chemicals drugs will make people ill.

Thin Man is born with it?

Just born baby fat, thin, but do not be too concerned about all of this will change, in fact, this example in life is very common, all have hope.

What to eat to gain weight?

Food, we must daily nutrition, but also the safest.Reasonable to eat some food will also allow us to quickly change the emaciated body, safety should be the first.


Balanced meal weight loss
For good health and for weight loss safely, you must ensure that your meals are well balanced. We'll show you how to be certain that you cook meals are well balanced and beautiful summer we will present some examples to facilitate understanding. The rule down to a balanced diet is to choose meals that contain all the food groups in the food pyramid you see on this page. It is not essential that every meal contains different groups but the important thing is that over a period of about a week, all your meals should contain the contribution corresponding to the level of each food group that you need.

The different food groups for a balanced meal weight loss
It is important to eat based on food groups because if your body is well nourished, it will not be tempted to stockpile fat reserves. Indeed, the reason why the human body begins to store layers of fat is a defense mechanism to ensure the survival of the human. Even if you eat your fill always, if you have deficiencies of certain food groups, your body will think you are having difficulty finding food to feed you and trigger a survival mechanism that will turn any food you eat fat reserves. To learn more about this mechanism, read the following dosument: How are fat for weight loss how
now describe the food groups your body needs for food and the different foods that are part and the proportions that you should consume.

meats, cheeses and alternatives
Probably the most important groups of a balanced meal without meat since you will not have protein and proteins, also appellées proteins, are the base member of the diet. In fact, many weight loss plans are made from high protein foods. You eat and the most important and let the other side of which contain fat and sugar. It is said of aillor a high protein diet that has a deficiency of some essential oils and fats. It is best to adjust it by eating a bit more than what is recommended by the type of diet weight loss. Foods that are part of this group are:

red meat white meat (poultry)
Fish Eggs Cheese

Tofu Peanut Butter Ham

Pork Other ...

It is important to choose pieces of lean meat and poultry to remove the skin. Grilled cooking is less fatty and therefore indicated for weight loss. Meats allow your body to regenerate tissue and muscles. Your muscles are pure protein. Indeed, if you do Magez more than your body and eat all your fat reserves, it rabatera on your muscles and dimunueront.
This is aillor why it is important to pay attention to overly restrictive diets and exercise for treatment of weight loss. The recommended number of servings per day depends on your gender and your age. A portion équivant to around 65 grams of meat or the size of the palm of your hand. See the chart below to find out how many serving you eat in a day to have a balanced meal.


Reduced -fat crisps could instead lead to weight gain

June 30, 2011 - Opting for reduced-fat crisps could have the opposite effect to that intended: instead they would contribute to weight gain when the diet is already rich in fat, according to a essai1 performed in rats.

Researchers have added Pringles chips, regular or reduced-fat to the diet than thirty rats. The light version of these chips is made with Olestra, a synthetic substitute fat that contains no calories and through the body undigested.

Before you can get some chips in their mouths, the subjects of was first divided into two groups: one receiving a basic diet low in fat, the other a high-fat diet. Then, half of each group received a small amount snack chips, either ordinary or, alternatively, regular potato chips and reduced-fat.

After 28 days, in rats a diet high in fat, the group submitted to the chips 'light' has gained more weight and developed more body fat than potato chips having had only ordinary.

In rats whose staple diet was low fat potato chips do not have a marked effect on weight gain. Nevertheless, the researchers found that those who ate chips eased gained more weight than others when subjected subsequently to a high-fat diet.

The researchers believe that fat substitutes, as are sweeteners may interfere with the body's ability to manage food intake and efficiently use the calories, thus contributing to weight gain.

sweet or fatty foods generally report to the agency a large caloric intake. Their taste triggers various physiological responses needed to manage the calories: hormone secretion, salivation, etc.. However, fat substitutes and sweeteners may confuse this association. The body not receiving the calories "advertised" by the taste never gets used to mobilize resources for its elimination. Also, when real fat or sugars are consumed, they fail to respond adequately.

Conclusion, the researchers said, it is best to choose foods naturally low in fat and calories rather than relying on material substitute fat if you want to lose weight.

Feed to gain weight

High Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a real problem for many people. Sometimes the problem is caused by the difficulty not to lose but the pounds necessary to win! What may seem strange to most of us ...
Some people burn calories faster than others. This is known as individuals to fast metabolism. In these individuals, it can be difficult to achieve and maintain a stable weight. The metabolic rate is related to genetic, but can be accelerated by factors such as stress, exposure to extremely hot or extremely cold, nicotine, caffeine, and muscle density.
Also, some disease or some states have a strong energy demand on the body, which can cause weight loss. This is particularly true of cancer, hyperthyroidism and certain infections and severe burns. Weight loss may also be due to malabsorption of nutrients engendered including ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and celiac disease.
Finally, the weight loss caused by malnutrition may occur as a result of tests difficult to reduce appetite.
It is recommended that a diet high in calories for those who need to gain weight. The same guidelines apply to individuals who suffer from an illness that prevents them from eating adequate servings. Such a plan must provide, on average, 500 calories (2000 kJ) higher than normal contributions, to generate a weight gain of 500 g (1 lb) per week. Although all foods are allowed, it is preferable to maintain a balanced diet - according to the criteria of the Food Guide - rather than eating more sweets or fried foods.

To get to eat 500 calories more, you must: stimulate appetite
■ stimulate appetite ;
■ eat foods with high energy density;
■ Limit the intake of very low energy density;
■ increase the intake of calories;
■ eating snacks;
■ make physical activity moderate intensity.
Obviously, these tips are not quick fixes. Gain a few pounds can sometimes be a difficult, perhaps even more than losing! Stimulate appetite

high It is possible to work up an appetite while paying attention to small details that compliment the meal. But how? Here are some tips.
■ Make a nice table with the pretty dishes, some flowers or a candle.
■ If the weather, take meals outside.
■ Set the color to the plate: the Chicken is more appetizing when accompanied by cranberry couscous and broccoli puree that potatoes and cauliflower.
■ Enjoy yourself! Eat the foods you love.
■ When possible, have a meal in good company (friends, colleagues, family members) 1. Most people have a tendency to eat more.
■ Since laughter stimulates the appetite, it may be appropriate during the meal to listen to a funny movie, read jokes or eating with someone who has a lot of humor.
■ Accompany the meal with a glass of wine from time to time (consult a doctor to make sure his health permits).
■ Begin the meal with a glass of acidic juice, tomato or orange for example.
■ Take a walk (or other light exercise) before the meal to whet your appetite.
Eating foods with high energy density up

Some diets are based on the principle of energy density to promote satiety without increasing calorie intake. In this context, the emphasis is on foods with low energy density, which means a greater amount of food for the same number of calories.
Conversely, with a high energy density, we consume more calories to a certain volume. For people looking to gain weight, foods with high energy density are therefore required. They must eat healthy foods, following the recommendations of the Food Guide.

The density of a food energy density
= the amount of calories per gram of food (cal / g). The factors that influence it are water content, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, especially sugar concentrates, and fat of a food. The water and fiber decrease the energy density, while the amount of fat and increases the concentrated sugars. This is the amount of water in a food that most determines its energy density.

Best choice of energy-dense foods (preferred)
Fruits: dried fruit, banana, mango, grapes, kiwi, cherries, canned fruit, fruit nectar, avocado, olive.
vegetables: green peas, parsnips, corn, sweet potato, potato.
Grain Products: bread, waffles, pancakes, English muffin, pita bread, crackers , bagel, muffin, croissant, raisin bread, nut bread, cheese bread, olives and dried tomatoes, tortillas, granola, granola bars.
Milk and Alternatives: cheese, cream, chocolate milk, whole milk , sour cream, ice cream, frozen yogurt, whole fruit yogurt, cream cheese, soy yogurt.
Meat and Alternatives: smoked oysters, tuna in oil, salmon, mackerel, sardines, liver, chicken leg or turkey, beef, pork, lamb, pork sausage or beef, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, egg, hummus, tofu spread.

The following example illustrates well the energy density of a food in its fresh and dried.
■ Fresh grapes (1 cup) Energy density
= 61 cal/97 g = 0.6
■ Raisins (1 cup)
Energy density = 460 g = 3.0 cal/153

Other foods and dishes to high energy density
Some of the foods or dishes contain a suggested amount of fat or sugar high enough. A person wishing to gain weight can consume these foods until they reach the desired weight:
oil, non-hydrogenated margarine, salad dressing, mayonnaise, pesto, pretzels, sesame sticks, rice crackers, baked chips, multigrain tortilla chips, nachos, macaroni and cheese, parmesan cheese fondue, salad carrot and raisin salad, potatoes, fettuccine Alfredo, chicken pizza, pizza with smoked salmon, smoked salmon bagels, egg sandwich or chicken with mayonnaise, cheese cake, carrot cake, cookies with nuts, granola bars, nuts and seeds, chocolate and almonds, chicken pot pie, salmon pie, dessert, soy carob coated nuts, yogurt covered raisins, whipped cream, custard, date squares, banana bread, zucchini bread, graham crackers, biscuits, bran, peanut butter cookies, apple pies, pound cake, cake with molasses.
Limit foods at very low energy density

top foods with very low energy density take up much space on the plate and in the stomach. Is reached more quickly by consuming the satiety and eating less. Although it is generally of excellent quality food, we should eat less often when it is desired to weight gain.
Low energy density foods (in moderation)
Fresh fruits and vegetables, skim milk, soup, fat or sugar free yogurt, cottage cheese, white fish (sole, turbot, cod, pollock, tuna in water), chicken breast or turkey without skin, fat-free dressing, fat-free mayonnaise, vinegar, salsa .
■ Eat fruits and vegetables at the end of the meal rather than the beginning.
■ Eat cooked vegetables and salads and crudités limit.
■ Focus soups to vegetable soups.
■ Avoid drinking a lot while eating.
■ Avoid tea and coffee between meals, they can reduce appetite.
Increase calorie intake

high Delicious meals obviously cause weight gain. But you can also add some ingredients to meals high in calories - that in addition a good energy density.
■ Add on fatty foods whenever possible: butter, non-hydrogenated margarine or, even better, oil (olive or canola) on vegetables, pasta, rice, potatoes, poultry, fish, bread.
■ Serve meats, poultry and fish with an oily sauce.
■ Add avocados, olives, nuts and cheese to salads.
■ Add nuts and dried fruit in cereal and muffins.
■ Sprinkle grated cheese over pasta, vegetables, soups and soups.
■ Beat an egg in the macaroni and cheese or soup.
■ Buy whole milk rather than semi-skimmed milk.
■ Add powdered milk to soups, milk, milkshakes and puddings .
■ Add molasses, maple syrup or honey in hot cereals.
■ Add whipped cream or natural ice cream over fresh fruit.
■ Add the cocoa powder sweetened milk hot.
■ Drink juice, milk or smoothies instead of low-calorie drinks such as tea, coffee, broth or diet beverages.

Eat snacks high
Many snacks , consumed during the day, increase the calorie intake. One can choose a snack of 500 calories, 2 to 3 snacks or smaller. Act gradually to allow time for the stomach to become accustomed.

Snacks of 500 calories ■ Three dried dates and 125 ml (1/2 cup) nuts.
■ 50 g cheddar cheese, wheat crackers 4 and 60 ml (1/4 cup) toasted almonds in Oil
■ a muffin and its grapes, a glass (250 ml) of fortified soy beverage and 60 ml (1/4 cup) walnuts
■ A bowl of cereal type Mueslix (250 ml) with 250 ml (1 cup) whole milk.
■ A chicken sandwich with Swiss cheese and mayonnaise.
■ A bagel with sesame seeds and 60 ml (4 tbsp.) of regular cream cheese.
■ A muffin health and an energy drink (250 ml soy milk with vanilla, 15 ml of olive oil, 10 almonds, strawberries 125 ml, 15 ml of molasses)

Snacks ■ 250 calories 50 g (1 / 3 cup) mixed dried fruit and tree nuts.
■ A peanut butter sandwich.
■ 175 g fruit yogurt to 4% fat and a handful of raisins.
■ cup ( 185 mL) vanilla pudding made with whole milk.
■ 250 ml (1 cup) chocolate shake.
■ 250 ml (1 cup) whole milk or soy milk (vanilla or chocolate) and a peanut butter cookie.
■ Drink quickly made: add 3 c. tablespoons (45 ml) of skimmed milk powder to 1 cup (250 ml) whole milk.
■ Nutritional Drink from the pharmacy (eg, Boost, Ensure).
Making of moderate physical activity
Moderate physical activity is one of the best ways to stimulate appetite, while it does burn calories. It is important to get regular activity that engages all the muscles (swimming, volleyball, skiing, etc..) To maintain the density of muscle and bone - and overall health. Otherwise, the weight gain may only be in bold. Helpful hints

■ Use up occasionally to nutritional supplements (Boost, Ensure or Carnation Instant Breakfast, etc..).
■ Do not use Foods that are labeled "mild," "reduced calorie" or "low calorie".
■ Schedule a timer that recalls the moment of eating and not exceed more than 3 hours between each meal or snack.
■ Keep under hand a bottle of olive oil, nuts, dried fruit to add to its often meals and snacks.
■ Sprinkle hemp seeds of vegetables, potatoes, pasta, yogurt and cereals.

Brain imaging can predict your weight gain and your sexual appetite

This is suggested by these researchers at Dartmouth. Brain scans measuring some of our brain responses would predict weight gain and sexual activity of an individual. This use entirely new analysis of brain activity to predict future behavior, has been described in the April 18 edition of the Journal of Neuroscience.

These researchers demonstrated a link between the brain responses incentives identified by magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and future behavior. "This is one of the first brain imaging studies using the responses observed by scanning to predict future actual behavior over a long period of time," says Todd Heatherton, professor of psychology and study co-author. Researchers have identified a brain region known as the nucleus accumbens, often referred to as the "reward center" in a group of students. Participants viewed images of animals, scenes of the environment, food tasty, and others. 6 months later, the researchers identified their body weight as well as answers to a questionnaire about their sexual behavior.

Participants whose brains responded more strongly to food cues are those who have accused the largest weight gain six months later. The correlation between brain responses to food and weight gain is also verified when it comes to images of a sexual nature and sexual activity. Brain responsiveness to sexual images predicts sexual desire, the authors confirm.

This reactivity is specific to the subject, the study said, responsiveness to pictures of foods is linked to weight gain, but not engaging in sexual behavior more active, and vice versa.

The first stage of self-control, knowing his "weaknesses": William Kelley, associate professor of psychological science, co-author of these theories have long been studying the psychological self, which promote self-control or willpower. "We seek to understand the situations in which people resist temptations and to come not to yield to it," says Dr. Kelley. A first step of self-control is already awareness of its sensitivity to certain triggers specific environment, such as the arrival of a tray of desserts in a restaurant. "You have to already be vigilant to control the behavior to achieve the control," says Kelley.

The influence of weight on performance

The weight loss results undeniably saves time, which will be proportional: at the runner, its initial weight and distance racing. This is what we calculate.

We mean weight loss, loss of excess fat. Variations (even important) on the scale, overnight, is not necessarily a significant real reduction in adipose tissue. Indeed, several factors must be considered:
- The hydration status of the rider: after training (especially in hot weather), it can happen that a water loss, poorly compensated, will cause a decrease in weight that can approach 1kg to 1.5kg.

- The glycogen status: after long and intense effort, stocks muscle and liver glycogen may decrease to values ??below 5g/kg, whereas in normal times they are at 30g/kg (see 45g/kg after combining diet), which is reflected in a 60kg runner, by 1.5 kg on the scale.

- From one day to another, fluctuations of 1 to 2kg are possible, without whether actual weight loss, in the sense that it's not the fat that is lost but water and glycogen, it will necessarily recover. (There is no need to run with a K-way to lose weight :-)

- In the longer term (after 3 to 4 weeks), following a radical change in the type of training, especially in triathletes and fitness enthusiasts, weight gain may be due to increased muscle mass: it should not be considered either as an inert mass, and conversely, disruption of training following an injury, can cause weight loss to be due to muscle wasting (often followed by weight regain due to physical inactivity and it will be true of fat).

How to weigh themselves:
Take your weight in the morning, fasting, after
must be averaged over several days to compensate for fluctuations attributed to hydration status and glycogen .
We must make the comparison with periods of training intensity similar, except for any periods of weight training, or after prolonged rest or injury.
A well designed system can lose 1kg a week, but no more. (In addition, the plan is too severe and that is when the muscle which "eats", which is not the desired effect.)

Any male individual can lower his body fat to 8% of its weight , and 15% for women.
The following charts show that the loss of 1kg is superfluous, in terms of saving time, for three distances competitions common, this depending on the initial weight of the rider and his performance level.


Woman Secret Stuff - Menopause, weight gain and how to fix.

There is a time of life that does not use spoken, even between a mother and daughter. Called "change", it is no longer a taboo subject and came out into the open. It was time a woman can expect to live one third to half of her life after menopause may be the year's most satisfying and productive of his life.

This time of a woman's life is now a hot topic of health and the reason for its emergence is that we now know more about how to manage it. We discovered how regular exercise plays a key role in this transition period easier and how it can improve health, happiness and well-being during the second half of life.

At least two thirds of the weight gain of women experience during this period and can earn from 5 to 15 pounds of fat with their body shape changes from an hourglass to that of an apple.
As the weight continues to rise and with little hope of ever come loose again, metabolism (engine body) fall nearly 5 percent each decade.

A woman in 20 may have a body fat percentage of about 23 percent, but one woman in 50 may have a body fat percentage of 45-50 percent. This can lead to unhappiness and despair as well as its attractiveness goes down the gurgler and the reality of getting old sinks in.
While there is nothing we can do about it over the years, we can do a lot about weight gain, change in body shape, the declining energy and a feeling that our life force is being sucked slowly but surely we.

The main reason for all these things happen is not because we grow old, is it because we are less and less active. We are not using our muscles as they are supposed to be used and we get weaker and flabbier. This is turn our metabolic rate decreases and we get fat (and also sick, if we are unlucky).
You can not have noticed over the years that you are losing valuable muscle tissue that the numbers on the bathroom scale may not have changed. But it is because something is to take the space left by muscle tissue eroded - and you guessed it - fat.

You can maintain muscle tissue and even rebuild what you lost, even after decades of disuse. But you must use the method to exercise this right and can not be resistance exercise. Nothing else can do it then do not waste your time on inefficient and time consuming repetitive low-intensity activities that will do nothing to hold off the loss of muscle tissue and has no chance to rebuild.

Do you get in your local gym or fitness center and implement an appropriate program of strengthening exercises and never stop. It will help you get your old body back, help you lose excess weight, keep your muscles and bones, you feel so good and you look much younger.

It will help you wind through this "change" in your life and you can even come to the other end better than before you started which is a pretty good goal to aim for you will agree.

Bady,Slow weight gain after the first month .

Sometimes, babies who are thriving breastfed exclusively during the early months have a poorer weight gain after 2-4 months of exclusive breastfeeding. This may be normal, because breastfed babies do not follow the same growth curves as formula fed. It may seem that they gain weight too slow, when in fact it is the weight gain of infants fed infant formula that is too fast. Breastfeeding is the normal, natural, physiologic way of feeding infants and babies. Take the baby formula feeding as normal is irrational and leads us to make errors in advising mothers about feeding and growth of their baby.

In some cases, an illness in the baby can cause a gain of weight slower than desired. Supplementing with formula does not cure the disease and can deprive the baby of the beneficial effects of exclusive breastfeeding. You can tell when a baby is getting milk and when he is not (see below). If the baby is not getting milk, it is unlikely that this is caused by an illness in the baby but rather by a decrease in the milk of the mother. However, the most common cause of unusually slow weight gain is the decrease in milk production of the mother.

Why would decrease your milk supply it?
1.You have started taking oral contraceptives. If this happens, stop the pill. There are other methods to prevent pregnancy besides hormones.
2.You are pregnant.
3.You try to stretch out the feedings, or "train" the baby to sleep through the night. If this is the case, feed the baby when he is hungry or sucking his hand.
4.You bottles more than occasionally. Even when the milk supply is well established, the frequent bottles teach the baby a poor latch when he expects rapid flow, no matter if you only use breast milk in the bottle. With slow flow, the baby may deviate from the breast, thus reducing even more time in, and therefore the milk supply.
5.A emotional "shock" can, occasionally, decrease the milk supply .
6.Parfois disease, particularly when associated with fever can decrease milk supply. It is the same for mastitis. Fortunately, the disease in the mother does not usually decrease milk supply.
7.You do too much. You do not have to be a "super" mom. Let the housework go. Sleep when your baby sleeps. Asleep while breastfeeding.
8.Certains medications may decrease milk supply: some antihistamines (Benadryl, for example), pseudoephedrine (Sudafed).
9.You breastfeeding from one breast per feeding, to give the baby milk fat end of the feeding. Remember that if the baby does not drink, he receives no milk, and if he does not get milk, he does not receive either milk fat. "Finish" one side and if he wants more, offer the other.
10.A combination of the above situations.
11.Parfois the milk supply decreases, particularly around 3 months for no obvious reason. However, it is likely the reason you find the following paragraph.

Another reason requires a little more explanation. In the early weeks, babies tend to fall asleep at the breast when the flow slows down (which occurs more rapidly if the baby is not latched on well, since the baby depends on the reflex of the mother for milk). The baby will suck and sleep and suck, without getting large quantities of milk, but the mother may have a letdown from time to time and the baby will drink more. When the milk supply is abundant, the baby is gaining weight fine, though he may spend long periods in spite of abundant production. However, when the baby reaches the age of 6 or 8 weeks, sometimes earlier, many babies begin to move away from the breast when the flow slows down, often within minutes after the start of feeding. This is more likely in babies who received bottles early on, but it can occur even if it is not the case. The mother will then likely the baby to the other, but the baby will behave the same way. It may be that the baby is still hungry and refuses the breast to suck his hand. He will not get the milk ejection reflex from it would have stimulated remaining within. Therefore, he drinks less and the supply also decreases because he drinks less, and the flow slows even earlier in the feeding (because there is less milk) and you see what can happen. Things do not always go like this, and many babies may gain enough weight even though they spend little time in still pull off the breast and suck their hands because they want more sucking. If weight gain is good, there is no need to worry.
You can prevent this by having the best latch possible from the start. However, many mothers are being told the latch is good even if it is not. A better latch can help, sometimes even later. Using compression will often keep the baby to drink. See the Protocol to Increase Breastmilk Intake by the Baby.

Sometimes domperidone will increase the milk significantly. However, do not use it if you are pregnant. See articles on domperidone.

How do I know the baby is drinking really in?
When the baby drinks milk (and this is not necessarily the case only because he has the breast in his mouth and is sucking movements), he opens his mouth widely, and when her mouth is opened up, he made a perceptible pause which you can also observe if you look at his chin, then he closes his mouth, sucking cycle So the pace is complete: mouth wide open - pause - close. If you want to show you, put your index or other finger in your mouth and suck as you would with a straw. As you draw, your chin drops and stays down as long as you are drawing. When you stop, your chin comes back. This pause is taking a mouthful of milk when the baby is breastfed. Longer the pause, the more the baby got. Once you know about the pause you can eliminate much of the nonsense being told breastfeeding mothers, as "Feed the baby 20 minutes each side." A baby who breastfeeds in this way (with breaks) for 20 minutes straight might not suck the second side. A baby who "nibbles" (do not drink) for 20 hours will come off the breast hungry.